Monday, February 11, 2013

Update on Sevi

Our in country coordinator just left for Kinshasa again this past week. We are all so excited to get some updates, news, and hopefully photos of our Sevi girl! I did hear that she got the pictures we sent to her of our family. They said that she was so happy to get them and walked around the orphanage showing everyone, telling them that she too has a family now.

Just melts this big sisters heart! I can't wait for the day where she doesn't have to wait for us anymore, where she doesn't need a photo to convince everyone she has a family because we will be right there with her, holding her hand, making her laugh, wiping her tears, being family. Oh how I can't wait! I pray that the Lord will help me to be patient in this waiting.


On another note (but one that is related) we only have three days left till valentines day. THRE DAYS LEFT!!! We are trying to get 1,000 kisses for Sevi by valentines. So far we have 428 kisses in her jar (thank you all so much for our support!). We need 571 more kisses to reach our goal. Each kiss is only $1. $1 can make all the difference in the world to this little girl!

Help us to reach this goal and to give "A Thousand Kisses to Sevi" this valentines day!


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